วันเสาร์ที่ 10 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553


History of football History of football to go.

Foolboll A sport that has enthusiasts to watch the games and to play in the world. Ethnic origin is a sport which is truly unable to confirm the course. It confirms that each nation different from their birth. But in France and Italy. Has a kind of amusement called "Sous le" (Soule) or Giovanni Del Car Co O Sin (Gioco Del Calcio) A manner similar to playing football today. The two countries may argue that football has its roots in his country. Which did not find conclusive. Lack of real evidence.

Rules football.

-Each team consists of players who can sign up 11 players on the pitch. The players can be sitting back waiting for change. In the eleven people must have Goalkeeper one.

-Primary device for playing football. The ball must have a size standard spherical Size: 27-28 inch circumference and weight up to 396-453 grams.

-Players need to wear that includes shoes, socks, pants and shirt gaiter Goalkeeper must wear different from the other players. And different from the directors as well.

-During playback. Players can change with the reserve by the competition could change the date of each competition up to 3 times.

-Front door is the penalty area. This indicates that the goalkeeper can hold the ball. And remain in the penalty kick.

-The competition is divided into two half-half by 45 minutes by the time the competition will be counted at all times. Although football will be kicked out of the Airport Committee and ordered to stop playing regardless. Half will have time to rest during the 15 minutes.

Famous people play.

Leo Neil Messina.


Team Spain

